Storage-Saving Bi-dimensional Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation in Smart Grids

Recently, lots of works on power consumption data aggregation have been proposed for the privacy-preservation of users against the operation center in smart grids. This is the user-based data aggregation, which accumulates the power consumption data of a group of users for every time unit. On the other hand, the accumulation of a user’s data in a group of time units will facilitate the queries on the user’s accumulated power usage in these specified time units, which is time-based data aggregation. It enables the operation center to perform individual energy consumption statistics and management and offer customized services. If a data aggregation scheme provides both user-based and time-based data aggregation, it is said to be bi-dimensional. This manuscript presents the first privacy-preserving bi-dimensional data aggregation scheme, where the storage cost only linearly increases with the number of time units and is independent of the number of users.

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