Les Houches Lectures on Strings and Arithmetic

These are lecture notes for two lectures delivered at the Les Houches workshop on Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry, March 2003. They review two examples of interesting interactions between number theory and string compactification, and raise some new questions and issues in the context of those examples. The first example concerns the role of the Rademacher expansion of coefficients of modular forms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The second example concerns the role of the ``attractor mechanism'' of supergravity in selecting certain arithmetic Calabi-Yau's as distinguished compactifications.

[1]  Matilde Marcolli,et al.  Number Theory in Physics , 2006 .

[2]  G. Moore,et al.  Melvin Models and Diophantine Approximation , 2004, hep-th/0407150.

[3]  J. Morgan,et al.  Mathematics Underlying the F-Theory/Heterotic String Duality in Eight Dimensions , 2003, math/0308106.

[4]  J. Maldacena,et al.  Wormholes in AdS , 2004, hep-th/0401024.

[5]  M. Lynker,et al.  Complex multiplication of exactly solvable Calabi–Yau varieties , 2003, hep-th/0312319.

[6]  P. Tripathy,et al.  Flux Compactifications on Calabi-Yau Threefolds , 2003, hep-th/0312104.

[7]  V. Balasubramanian,et al.  A multi-boundary AdS orbifold and DLCQ holography: a universal holographic description of extremal black hole horizons , 2003, hep-th/0311237.

[8]  M. Douglas,et al.  Counting flux vacua , 2003, hep-th/0307049.

[9]  C. Vafa,et al.  Rational Conformal Field Theories and Complex Multiplication , 2002, hep-th/0203213.

[10]  L. Cornalba,et al.  Time‐dependent orbifolds and string cosmology , 2003, hep-th/0310099.

[11]  Morten S. Risager,et al.  Modular Symbols have a Normal Distribution , 2003, math/0308120.

[12]  T. Banks A Critique of Pure String Theory: Heterodox Opinions of Diverse Dimensions , 2003, hep-th/0306074.

[13]  V. Periwal,et al.  Black hole attractor varieties and complex multiplication , 2003, math/0306135.

[14]  T. Banks Essay: Supersymmetry, the Cosmological Constant, and a Theory of Quantum Gravity in Our Universe , 2003, hep-th/0305206.

[15]  F. Denef,et al.  Exact solutions for supersymmetric stationary black hole composites , 2003, hep-th/0304094.

[16]  V. Periwal,et al.  Complex multiplication symmetry of black hole attractors , 2003, hep-th/0303111.

[17]  Andrei Linde,et al.  De Sitter vacua in string theory , 2003, hep-th/0301240.

[18]  P. Tripathy,et al.  Compactification with Flux on K3 and Tori , 2003, hep-th/0301139.

[19]  E. Sezgin,et al.  SU(2) reduction of six-dimensional (1,0) supergravity , 2002, hep-th/0212323.

[20]  H. Ooguri,et al.  Inside the horizon with AdS/CFT , 2002, hep-th/0212277.

[21]  S. Kachru,et al.  Moduli stabilization from fluxes in a simple IIB orientifold , 2002, hep-th/0201028.

[22]  J. Maldacena Eternal black holes in anti-de Sitter , 2001, hep-th/0106112.

[23]  N. Yui Update on the modularity of Calabi-Yau varieties , 2003 .

[24]  J. Maldacena,et al.  Gravity solutions for the D1-D5 system with angular momentum , 2002, hep-th/0212210.

[25]  N. Seiberg,et al.  The Challenging Cosmic Singularity , 2002, gr-qc/0301001.

[26]  Classification of c=2 Rational Conformal Field Theories via the Gauss Product , 2002 .

[27]  S. Yau,et al.  c = 2 Rational Toroidal Conformal Field Theories via the Gauss Product , 2002, hep-th/0211230.

[28]  Kostas Skenderis Lecture notes on holographic renormalization , 2002, Classical and Quantum Gravity.

[29]  J. Polchinski,et al.  Instability of spacelike and null orbifold singularities , 2002, hep-th/0206228.

[30]  G. Moore,et al.  Strings in Time-Dependent Orbifolds , 2002, hep-th/0206182.

[31]  W. Mcelgin,et al.  Exciting AdS orbifolds , 2002, hep-th/0206175.

[32]  F. Denef Quantum quivers and Hall / hole halos , 2002, hep-th/0206072.

[33]  G. Moore,et al.  Strings in a time dependent orbifold , 2002, hep-th/0204168.

[34]  W. Mcelgin,et al.  String Theory on AdS Orbifolds , 2001, hep-th/0106171.

[35]  J. Polchinski,et al.  Hierarchies from fluxes in string compactifications , 2001, hep-th/0105097.

[36]  Y. Manin,et al.  Holography principle and arithmetic of algebraic curves , 2002, hep-th/0201036.

[37]  D. Lust,et al.  Fluxes in heterotic and type II string compactifications , 2001, hep-th/0106155.

[38]  F. Denef,et al.  Split attractor flows and the spectrum of BPS D-branes on the quintic , 2001, hep-th/0101135.

[39]  S. Theisen,et al.  On the vacuum structure of type II string compactifications on Calabi–Yau spaces with H-fluxes , 2000, hep-th/0012213.

[40]  J. Polchinski,et al.  Supersymmetric three-form flux perturbations on AdS 5 , 2000, hep-th/0009211.

[41]  I. Klebanov TASI Lectures: Introduction to the AdS/CFT Correspondence , 2000, hep-th/0009139.

[42]  S. Theisen,et al.  Cubic couplings in D=6 N=4b supergravity on AdS_3\times S^3 , 2000, hep-th/0007061.

[43]  F. Denef Supergravity Flows and D-brane Stability , 2000, hep-th/0005049.

[44]  J. Maldacena,et al.  A Black Hole Farey Tail , 2000, hep-th/0005003.

[45]  E. Witten,et al.  CFT's from Calabi–Yau four-folds , 1999, hep-th/9906070.

[46]  J. Maldacena,et al.  Large N Field Theories, String Theory and Gravity , 1999, hep-th/9905111.

[47]  F. Larsen,et al.  Currents and moduli in the (4,0) theory , 1999, hep-th/9909088.

[48]  F. Larsen,et al.  U(1) Charges and Moduli in the D1-D5 System , 1999, hep-th/9905064.

[49]  S. Miller,et al.  Landau–Siegel zeroes and black hole entropy , 1999, hep-th/9903267.

[50]  E. Witten,et al.  The D1/D5 System And Singular CFT , 1999, hep-th/9903224.

[51]  R. Dijkgraaf Instanton strings and hyper-Kähler geometry , 1998, hep-th/9810210.

[52]  S. Carlip Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions , 1998 .

[53]  G. Moore Arithmetic and Attractors , 1998, hep-th/9807087.

[54]  G. Moore Attractors and Arithmetic , 1998, hep-th/9807056.

[55]  J. Boer Six-dimensional supergravity on S3 × AdS3 and 2d conformal field theory , 1998, hep-th/9806104.

[56]  D. Marolf,et al.  A New approach to string cosmology , 1998, hep-th/9805207.

[57]  F. Larsen,et al.  Near Horizon Geometry of Rotating Black Holes in Five Dimensions , 1998, hep-th/9805097.

[58]  E. Sezgin,et al.  Spectrum of D = 6, N = 4b supergravity on AdS3 × S3 , 1998, hep-th/9804166.

[59]  J. Maldacena,et al.  AdS3 black holes and a stringy exclusion principle , 1998, hep-th/9804085.


[61]  E. Witten Anti-de Sitter space and holography , 1998, hep-th/9802150.

[62]  A. Strominger Black hole entropy from near-horizon microstates , 1997, hep-th/9712251.

[63]  Toshiya Kawai K3 Surfaces, Igusa Cusp Forms, and String Theory , 1997, hep-th/9710016.

[64]  E. Witten,et al.  Principal G bundles over elliptic curves , 1997, alg-geom/9707004.

[65]  A. Sen Orientifold limit of F-theory vacua , 1997, hep-th/9709159.

[66]  S. Ferrara,et al.  Black holes and critical points in moduli space , 1997, hep-th/9702103.

[67]  E. Witten,et al.  Vector Bundles and F Theory , 1997, hep-th/9701162.

[68]  S. Ferrara Bertotti-Robinson Geometry and Supersymmetry , 1997, hep-th/9701163.

[69]  H. Verlinde,et al.  UvA-DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) Elliptic genera of symmetric products and second quantized strings , 1997 .

[70]  Toshiya Kawai String duality and modular forms , 1996, hep-th/9607078.

[71]  S. Ferrara,et al.  N = 2 supergravity and N = 2 super Yang-Mills theory on general scalar manifolds: Symplectic covariance gaugings and the momentum map , 1996, hep-th/9605032.

[72]  Henryk Iwaniec,et al.  Topics in classical automorphic forms , 1997 .

[73]  Andrew Lesniewski,et al.  Noncommutative Geometry , 1997 .

[74]  P. Aspinwall K3 Surfaces and String Duality , 1996, hep-th/9611137.

[75]  K. Becker,et al.  M theory on eight manifolds , 1996, hep-th/9605053.

[76]  M. Cvetič,et al.  General rotating five-dimensional black holes of toroidally compactified heterotic string , 1996, hep-th/9603100.

[77]  Ferrara,et al.  Universality of supersymmetric attractors. , 1996, Physical review. D, Particles and fields.

[78]  C. Vafa,et al.  Macroscopic and microscopic entropy of near-extremal spinning black holes , 1996, hep-th/9603078.

[79]  A. Strominger Macroscopic entropy of N=2 extremal black holes , 1996, hep-th/9602111.

[80]  C. Vafa Evidence for F theory , 1996, hep-th/9602022.

[81]  R. Kallosh,et al.  E(7) symmetric area of the black hole horizon. , 1996, Physical review. D, Particles and fields.

[82]  C. Vafa,et al.  Microscopic origin of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy , 1996, hep-th/9601029.

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