The shortest path problem is well known and a number of methods have been proposed for its solution. In its simplest form no restrictions or special costs are placed on movement in the network. Some variations of the problem have been presented and solved, such as requirements for visiting specified nodes, turn penalties and prohibitions and time-dependent length of arcs. In this paper we present and solve the case where we seek the shortest path when some arcs are closed for travelling during specified periods of time. We allow parking in the vertices of the network, when it is necessary to wait for an arc to be opened, but we also assume the possibility of “no-parking” or “occupied” periods in the nodes. This type of problem emerges, for example, in the management of railway system, or a network of narrow roads with convoys moving on it.
Stuart E. Dreyfus,et al.
An Appraisal of Some Shortest-Path Algorithms
Oper. Res..
Ronald F. Kirby,et al.
The minimum route problem for networks with turn penalties and prohibitions
Edsger W. Dijkstra,et al.
A note on two problems in connexion with graphs
Numerische Mathematik.
Santosh Kumar,et al.
The Routing Problem with "K" Specified Nodes
Oper. Res..
K. Cooke,et al.
The shortest route through a network with time-dependent internodal transit times
D. R. Fulkerson,et al.
Flows in Networks.