Penerapan pembelajaran IPA terpadu sangat membutuhkan peranan dari guru. Lesson study adalah salah satu dari banyak cara dimana guru dapat meningkatkan profesionalime mereka dalam pengajaran IPA secara terpadu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan pembelajaran IPA dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Base, dimana siswa akan memecahkan masalah yang diberikan oleh guru dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Base melalui lesson study dapat membantu guru untuk mengembangkan seperangkat perangkat pembelajaran dan memberikan pembelajaran yang lebih baik. Dapat diketahui dari peningkatan hasil observasi pada setiap tes dan nilai rata-rata siswa dari tes pertama sampai ketiga. Kegiatan ilmiah dapat membantu siswa untuk memahami materi IPA yang diberikan oleh guru, dan mereka dapat mendapatkan pemahaman yang menyeluruh. The implementation of Integrated Science Learning needs teacher enough. Lesson study is one of many ways which teachers can increase their profesionalism in teaching science Integratedly. The research aim to develop integrated science learning is using the problem base learning model, in which students will solve problem, given by teachers, using scientific methodes. The result of this research shows that the integrated science learning with problem base learning model through lesson study activity can help teachers to develop sets of learning equipment and give the better learning. It can be shown in the increasing observation result on every test and the average students score from the first until the third tests. Students scientific working skill can help students to understand the science material given untedly by the teacher so that they can get the complete understanding.
M. A. Karim.
Implementation of Lesson Study for Improving the Quality of Mathematics Instruction in Malang (Special Issue on The APEC-TSUKUBA International Conference "Innovative Teaching Mathematics through Lesson Study" January 15-20, 2006 Tokyo, JAPAN) -- (Symposium on International Cooperation: Improving the
William Cerbin,et al.
Lesson Study as a Model for Building Pedagogical Knowledge and Improving Teaching
Türk Fen,et al.
Problem-Based Learning in Science Education
A. McPhee,et al.
Problem-based learning in initial teacher education: taking the agenda forward
Rachel Mamlok-Naaman,et al.
The laboratory in science education: the state of the art
Orhan Akinoğlu,et al.
The Effects of Problem-Based Active Learning in Science Education on Students' Academic Achievement, Attitude and Concept Learning.