2A1-G18 Study on Path Generation for Robots with Different Driving Systems

○林達也(千葉工大),内田成一(千葉工大),清水正晴(千葉工大),大和秀彰(千葉工大), 入江清(千葉工大),古田貴之(千葉工大),正 林原靖男(千葉工大) Tatsuya HAYASHI, Masakazu UCHIDA, Masaharu SHIMIZU, Hideaki YAMATO, Kiyoshi IRIE, Takayuki FURUTA, Yasuo HAYASHIBARA, Chiba Institute of Technology, yasuo.hayashibara@it-chiba.ac.jp In this paper, we discuss on path generation for robots with different driving systems. We are developing RT-component to generate a path for various mobile robots. To develop a reusable component, we propose a method to generate path with hierarchical components. In upper component, it generates universal path according to map data. In lower component, it generates individual path according to characteristics of robot and demands of operator. We indicate the method and confirm its effectiveness through simulations.