Five fossil dicotyledonous woods, namely Guttiferoxylon indicum Ramanujam (1960), Celastrinoxylon dakshinense Ramanujam (1960), Ingoxylon sahnii (Ramanujam) Miiller-Stoll & Madel (1967), Dalbergioxylon antiquum Ramanujam (1960) and Dipterocarpoxylon cuddalorense Navale (1963b) described from Murattandichavadi near Pondicherry have been reinvestigated. Of these, the first two species are identical with Ailanthoxylon indicum Prakash (1959) from the Deccan Intertrappean Series of Mahurzari near Nagpur. The occurrence of these two woods in the Cuddalore Series has been considered doubtful. The remaining three species show identity with the already known species Pahudioxylon sahnii Ghosh & Kazmi (1961) from the Tertiary of Tripura, Euacacioxylon bharadwajii (Navale) Miiller-Stoll & Madel (1967) and Terminalioxylon grandiporosum Ramanujam (1966) from the Cuddalore Series near Pondicherry respectively.
N. Awasthi.
Revision of some dipterocarpaceous woods previously described from the Tertiary of south India
Journal of Palaeosciences.
W. Müller‐Stoll,et al.
Die fossilen Leguminosen-Hölzer. Eine Revision der mit Leguminosen verglichenen fossilen Hölzer und Beschreibungen älterer und neuer Arten
R. Dayal,et al.
Revision of the genus Gondwanoxylon Saksena with critical remarks on the fossil woods of Ailanthoxylon Prakash
Journal of Palaeosciences.
G. Navale.
Fossil woods of Leguminosae from Tertiary rocks of the Cuddalore series near Pondicherry, India
Journal of Palaeosciences.