Distance Learning system which reproduces a nuance of a lecturer and an atmosphere of class
Many of Distance Learning systems studied currently attract attention how to secure the environment that is mechanical to do Distance Learning in lubrication. However, there are a few study examples to communicate the element which a class originally has as a classroom's atmosphere: Impression and interest that a lecturer wants to convey, degree of understanding, interest and sympathy of a student. So we study Distance Learning system which communicate an atmosphere, feelings, a nuance. Till now, we have proposed a method to try expression such as feelings or nuance of a lecturer, using a video e®ect and a method to try reproduction of sense of reality of class by feeding back by reaction of a student to other student and a lecturer. In this report, we implemented a proposed system and we used the system to test in a real Distance Learning class. As a result the video e®ect was not transmitted through the nuance of many lecturers, because a de¯nition of e®ect was not enough. On the other hand the feedback e®ect had reproduction of sense of reality of class of one degree from an experiment result.