A Business Contracting Model for TINA Architecture

TINA Business Model TINA is an architecture that is based on the concept of distributed computing, i.e. that implies, for example, that location transparency is provided to the TINA application programmer in a certain phase of application construction. TINA uses the ODP (Open Distributed Processing) modeling concepts to describe its architecture. The ODP model states that one can view distributed applications from five viewpoints, these are the enterprise viewpoint, the information view point, the computational viewpoint, the engineering viewpoint and the technology viewpoint. Each of these viewpoints describes a distributed application in a particular way taking into account a specific set of properties. Viewing an application in one viewpoint reduces the amount of information that has to considered. The viewpoints are used to reduce the complexity in description/specification (design) of distributed applications. The viewpoints have been used to describe the TINA service architecture and the TINA network resource architecture.