Oral erosive lichen planus and Good's syndrome: just a coincidence or a direct link between the two diseases?

506 © 2007 The Authors JEADV 2008, 22, 499–527 Journal compilation © 2007 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology I Domínguez-Fernández,†* R Goíriz,† S Pérez-Gala,† J Fraga,‡ J Fernández-Herrera† †Department of Dermatology, Hospital La Princesa, Madrid, Spain, and ‡Department of Pathology, Hospital La Princesa, Madrid, Spain, *Corresponding author, Department of Dermatology, Hospital La Princesa, Diego de Leon, 62, 28006, Madrid, Spain, tel. +34 91 5202435; fax +34 91 5202435; E-mail: idominguez@aedv.es; mdomingu1@alumni.unav.es