The Features of Bali between its Beauty and Destruction in 1960—2014 Poetry

Various intellectual discourse of the features of Bali is characterized by a transition of poetry-writing style that tends to reveal well and bad of Bali in its time in five decades, between 1960 to 2014. The objective of this research is to analyze the Features of Bali between beauty and destruction in poems of Balinese poets published in 1960-2014. The data were collected using literature study method with critical reading technique and recorded corpus data taken from 19 poetry anthologies of Balinese poet. The method used to analyze data is analytical descriptive with interpretative technique. This study uses discourse theory and ecocritical theory with an interdisciplinary approach. The results and discussion of this study show that the poems of Balinese poet in 1960-2014 described the discourse of local knowledge of society about anthropocentrism and harmony of human with nature in Bali. The ecocultural nature of Bali's beauty and nature destruction includes (1) beautiful Balinese landscape and harmonious relationship between humans sourced from Hindu tri hita karana, (2) nature destruction such as conversion of agricultural land into tourism object, coastal damage, due to disaster, and the natural damage caused by humans. Thus, the poetry of Balinese poets in 1960-2014 is a reflection of social and environmental events of society as a track record of Bali from the beginning until now can be found through the art of poetry. Keywords—discourse; environment; nature of Bali; beauty; destruction; ecocriticism