Profil Pemecahan Masalah Pecahan Siswa Sd Berdasarkan Adversity Quotient

This research aims to describe the profile of fractions problem solving of elementary school students based on Adversity Quotient. Data collecting is done with fraction-problem-solving task-based interview in accordance to the stages of problem solving by Polya. Subjects in this study were the fifth grade elementary school students that had category climber, camper, and a quitter. The data validation was done by comparing the results of the task-based interview TPMP 1 and TPMP 2. The results showed that the profile of the subject fraction problem solving: in understanding the problem, subject climber was accessing information by reading the problem aloud in one time, identifying what was known and what was asked orally, then sketched images. In devising plan, subject climber said to make sketch of image and tried to explain it. The subject only had one problem-solving plan. In carrying out the plan, subject climber implemented solving the problems in accordance with the plan. To answer the problem, the subject drew a sketch then created lines (shading) on the part of the sketch drawings and explained verbally. Subject climber did not use drawing tools when making images. Subject climber checked back solution to the problem by explaining verbally and felt sure the answer was correct because to solved the problems carefully. Meanwhile, the profile of the subject camper of fraction problem solving was in understanding the problem, the subject accessed information by reading the problem aloud in one time, identified what was known and what was asked orally, then wrote it in verbal language. In devising plan, subject camper said to imagine the illustration of an image and calculated and wrote it down. The subject obtained the plan after reading the problem and had only one solution to the problem. In carrying out the plan, subject camper implemented different strategy as in the devised plan. The subject wrote the answer with verbal language then sketched an image without using drawing tools and then explained it verbally. The subject camper checked back the answer by explaining the answer verbally while pointing the sketched image. Meanwhile, the profile of fraction problem solving of quitter subject was in understanding the problem, the subject accessed information by reading the problem aloud in one time, identified what was known and what was asked orally, then wrote it and drew a sketch for it. Subject quitter said to make drawings and find the answer by calculating. In devising plan, the subject did it by herself and had only one problem-solving plan. In carrying out the plan, subject quitter implemented slightly different strategy with the devised plan. To answer the problem, the subject drew a sketch and created lines (shading) on the part of the sketch and then explained the answer verbally. Subject quitter did not use drawing tools when making images. Subject quitter checked back solution to the problem by explaining verbally and pointed to the image. The subject was sure that the answer was correct because they already checked it.