Utility of mass spectrometry for in-vitro ADME assays.

A balance between pharmacological activity, safety and drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DMPK) attributes determines the fate of a new chemical entity (NCE) in drug discovery. Because of the increased number of NCEs requiring DMPK evaluation, several in vitro higher-throughput screens and counter screens designed to evaluate DMPK attributes have been introduced in drug discovery. The DMPK screens evaluate NCEs for potential absorption, metabolism, drug-drug interactions, brain penetration, protein binding and pharmacokinetics. Higher-throughput analytical methodologies for the determination of either a common end product of a screen or the parent compound (and/or possible metabolites) are essential for successful DMPK screens. Because of its speed, sensitivity and specificity, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has become the technology of choice for sample analysis. In this review, several in vitro screening assays that we employ in drug discovery are discussed with an emphasis on LC-MS/MS role in accelerating them.