Cryptology and Network Security, 8th International Conference, CANS 2009, Kanazawa, Japan, December 12-14, 2009. Proceedings

Cryptographic Protocol and Schemes I.- Improved Garbled Circuit Building Blocks and Applications to Auctions and Computing Minima.- Multi Party Distributed Private Matching, Set Disjointness and Cardinality of Set Intersection with Information Theoretic Security.- On Cryptographic Schemes Based on Discrete Logarithms and Factoring.- Invited Talk 1.- Asymptotically Optimal and Private Statistical Estimation.- Cryptanalysis I.- Linear (Hull) and Algebraic Cryptanalysis of the Block Cipher PRESENT.- Saturation Attack on the Block Cipher HIGHT.- Extensions of the Cube Attack Based on Low Degree Annihilators.- An Analysis of the Compact XSL Attack on BES and Embedded SMS4.- Wireless and Sensor Network Security I.- RFID Distance Bounding Protocol with Mixed Challenges to Prevent Relay Attacks.- Anonymizer-Enabled Security and Privacy for RFID.- Blink 'Em All: Scalable, User-Friendly and Secure Initialization of Wireless Sensor Nodes.- Network Security.- DepenDNS: Dependable Mechanism against DNS Cache Poisoning.- Privacy and Anonymity.- Privacy-Preserving Relationship Path Discovery in Social Networks.- Verifying Anonymous Credential Systems in Applied Pi Calculus.- Transferable Constant-Size Fair E-Cash.- Functional and Searchable Encryption.- A Secure Channel Free Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search Scheme without Random Oracle.- Private-Key Hidden Vector Encryption with Key Confidentiality.- Invited Talk 2.- Building Secure Networked Systems with Code Attestation.- Authentication.- HPAKE : Password Authentication Secure against Cross-Site User Impersonation.- An Efficient and Provably Secure Cross-Realm Client-to-Client Password-Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol with Smart Cards.- Ensuring Authentication of Digital Information Using Cryptographic Accumulators.- Block Cipher Design.- MIBS: A New Lightweight Block Cipher.- Cryptanalysis II.- Distinguishing and Second-Preimage Attacks on CBC-Like MACs.- Improving the Rainbow Attack by Reusing Colours.- Side Channel Cube Attack on PRESENT.- Algebraic Attack on the MQQ Public Key Cryptosystem.- Algebraic and Number-Theoretic Schemes.- Construction of Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions with Maximum Algebraic Immunity.- Multi-core Implementation of the Tate Pairing over Supersingular Elliptic Curves.- On the Complexity of Computing Discrete Logarithms over Algebraic Tori.- Wireless and Sensor Network Security II.- On the Usability of Secure Association of Wireless Devices Based on Distance Bounding.- Short Hash-Based Signatures for Wireless Sensor Networks.- Invited Talk 3.- Computing on Encrypted Data.- Cryptographic Protocol and Schemes II.- Fully Robust Tree-Diffie-Hellman Group Key Exchange.- Group Signatures with Verifier-Local Revocation and Backward Unlinkability in the Standard Model.- Relinkable Ring Signature.