Diethylene glycol acrylate- n -vinyl pyrrolidone copolymer resins for bone cement applications
Biodegradable and injectable monomer diethylene glyco l acrylate (DGA) and diethylene glycol acrylate-II -vin yl pyrrolidone (DGA-VP) blends have been prepared and evaluated their suit abilit y for bone cement app licati ons . Studies on the setting of the monomer DGA and the blend DGA-VP have been carried ou t using a free rad ical initi ator. Lower sctting time is observed with the monomer in compari son with that of the blend . The degradation of cured PDGA and P(DGA-VP) polymeri c materi als has been evaluated in simulated physiologicailluids. Studies on degradation in hydrol yti c and oxidati ve medi a reveal faster degradati on during initi al period of aging foll owed by slower and steady state degradation. /11 vitro degrJdation studi es show more hydrol ytic degradation in PDGA whi le both hydrol yti c and oxidative degradation in P(DGAVP) in co mpari son to that of PDG A. Also, the biocompati ble comollomer (VP) en hances biodegradati on of aliphatic polyester PDG A.