소형선박용 Azimuth 추진장치의 유압제어시스템 개발
The azimuth thruster is fitted for maneuvering performance being excellent role for cruise, offshore and warship. But the azimuth thruster for small ship is not developed yet in the domestic. This paper shows the result of development about the revolution system of azimuth thruster which of power is less than 5㎾ for small ship. Advanced Azimuth revolution system can revolve propeller and rudder from 360 degree so that this system for vessel maneuvering can be excellent of propulsion effectively. Fluid power control system for azimuth revolution is designed with PID control system by using CEMToo/SIMTool program. And the actuator used for servo valve can control speed of revolution and direction. The usefulness of AMEsim modeling was verified by comparing the result of modeling experiments and simulation.