Auto-LX Datasheet

The Auto-LX recipe package, based on the iFAST automation software, is the next logical step in improving the throughput and yield of the failure analysis process for advanced labs. Auto-LX works exclusively and seamlessly with FEI’s high precision, low drift nanomanipulator, EasyLift EX, to automate the ISLO process. Auto-LX consists of a series of pre-packaged recipe modules that can be integrated into customer specific iFast recipes to reduce the number of mouse clicks and operator interaction needed for the creation and ISLO of TEM lamella. This frees up the operator to focus on value added operations, such as final thinning and end-pointing of the sample, rather than the mundane, tedious tasks of bulk milling and lift-out. Additionally, Auto-LX creates samples reliably and repeatedly thereby reducing the learning curve in TEM sample preparation.