Contents of Volume 74 (2000)

1. Circulation Journal – A Cloud Over the Hill – Hiroaki Shimokawa ········ 1 2. Editorial Statistics and Best Reviewers Awards for 2009 Hiroaki Shimokawa ········ 211 3. Circulation Journal Awards of the Year 2009 Hiroaki Shimokawa ········ 387 4. New Editorial Team of Circulation Journal Hiroaki Shimokawa ········ 1263 5. Message From the Editor-in-Chief Hiroaki Shimokawa ········ 1499 6. Message From the Editor-in-Chief Hiroaki Shimokawa ········ 1769

[1]  Irving B. Weiner Making Rorschach Interpretation as Good as It Can Be , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[2]  F. Leavitt Surviving Roots of Trauma: Prevalence of Silent Signs of Sex Abuse in Patients Who Recover Memories of Childhood Sex Abuse as Adults , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[3]  G. Meyer,et al.  Correction to Meyer and Handler (1997) , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[4]  T. Gude,et al.  Inventory of Interpersonal Problems: A Three-Dimensional Balanced and Scalable 48-Item Version , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[5]  Charles S. Carver,et al.  Coping, Mood, and Aspects of Personality in Spanish Translation and Evidence of Convergence With English Versions , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[6]  K. Abe,et al.  Characteristic Factor Structures of the Japanese Version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory: Coexistence of Positive-Negative and State-Trait Factor Structures , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[7]  Laurie B. Mintz,et al.  The Eating Attitudes Test: Validation With DSM-IV Eating Disorder Criteria , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[8]  E. Keogh,et al.  Exploring the Factor Structure of the Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire (MASQ) , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[9]  J. Derksen,et al.  MMPI-2 Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY-5) and Prediction of Treatment Outcome for Patients With Chronic Back Pain , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[10]  Inventory of Interpersonal Problems Personality Disorder Scales: Operating Characteristics and Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Nonclinical Samples , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[11]  K Sokolowski,et al.  Assessing Achievement, Affiliation, and Power Motives All at Once: The Multi-Motive Grid (MMG) , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[12]  G. Burlingame,et al.  Outcome Questionnaire: Item Sensitivity to Change , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[13]  G. Meyer Incremental Validity of the Rorschach Prognostic Rating Scale Over the MMPI Ego Strength Scale and IQ , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[14]  P. Pike,et al.  Effects of Acculturation on the MMPI-2 Scores of Asian American Students , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[15]  N. Iwata,et al.  Responses of Japanese and American University Students to the STAI Items That Assess the Presence or Absence of Anxiety , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[16]  Alissa R Sherry,et al.  Sentence Completion Tests: A Review of the Literature and Results of a Survey of Members of the Society for Personality Assessment , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[17]  R. D. Bock,et al.  Interpretation of a Full-Information Item-Level Factor Analysis of the MMPI-2: Normative Sampling and Nonpathognomonic Descriptors , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.

[18]  R. Scott,et al.  The MMPI-2 in Peru: A Normative Study , 2000, Journal of personality assessment.