Advances in dental anthropology

Partial table of contents: Historical Perspective of Dental Anthropology (A. Dahlberg). Scoring Procedures for Key Morphological Traits of the Permanent Dentition: The Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System (C. Turner, et al.). What Big Teeth You Had, Grandma! Human Tooth Size, Past and Present (C. Brace, et al.). Selective Compromise: Evolutionary Trends and Mechanisms in Hominid Tooth Size (J. Calcagno & K. Gibson). The Dental Anthropology of Prehistoric Baluchistan: A Morphometric Approach to the Peopling of South Asia (J. Lukacs & B. Hemphill). Ethnic Differences in the Apportionment of Tooth Sizes (E. Harris & T. Rathbun). Standards of Human Tooth Formation and Dental Age Assessment (B. Smith). Estimating Age from Tooth Wear in Archaeological Populations (P. Walker, et al.). Measurement and Description of Periodontal Disease in Anthropological Studies (C. Hildebolt & S. Molnar). Anthropological Aspects of Orofacial and Occlusal Variations and Anomalies (R. Corruccini). Dental Microwear: What Can It Tell Us About Diet and Dental Function (M. Teaford).