Halloysite Nanotubes in Polymers

Halloysite Nanotubes (HNT TM ) provide a new avenue for the preparation of nanocomposites. Halloysite is a naturally occurring member of the kaolin family of aluminosilicate clays. Its uniqueness is that it exists predominantly in a tubular form with lengths of up to 10 microns and diameters of up to 400 nm rather than the deck of cards platy form of essentially all other clays. Well behaved dispersions of HNT in nylon-6, polypropylene, TPO and several varieties of PE have been obtained by standard melt processes. In all cases, improved physical performance has been realized for molded parts. HNT have also been dispersed in polymer latexes and dispersions at quite high loadings. These polymer and clay dispersions have been coated and produce coatings with useful performance properties.