Unsteady Transonic Wind Tunnel Test on a Semispan Straked Delta Wing Model Oscillating in Pitch. Part 3: Selected Data Points for Simulated Maneuvers.

Abstract : A wind tunnel investigation was conducted in 1992 to investigate the unsteady aerodynamic aspects of transonic high incidence flows over a simple straked wing model. This test was designed to show how low speed vortex type flows evolve into complicated shock vortex interacting flows at transonic speeds. Requirements for this test were based on a low speed test conducted in 1986 on a full span model in the NLR Low Speed Tunnel. The transonic model was a semispan version of the low speed model with some modifications. It was equipped with a three-component semispan balance to measure total wing loads, seven rows of high response pressure transducers to measure unsteady pressures and 15 vertical accelerometers to measure model motion and vibrations. The model was oscillated sinusoidally in pitch at various amplitudes and frequencies for mean model incidences varying from 40 to 480. In addition, maneuver type transient motions of the model were tested with amplitudes of 160 and 300 total rotation at various starting angles. The test was conducted in the NLR HST in the Mach range of 0.225 to 0.90 with some preliminary vapor screen flow visualIzation data taken at M=O.6 and 0.9. This part of the report presents selected data points for simulated maneuvers.