State of arts in ultra wideband (UWB) wireless technology and global harmonization

As a center of mobile multimedia of the 21st century, it is very much looking forward to explosion of R&D and business of various wireless communication systems. In order to maintain advancement of communications and its related industries in Japan, there is a demand to keep creating new high technologies and theories and to educate a high level of experts who can cover multiple fields. To satisfy this demand, National Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (NICT: former Communications Research Laboratory: CRL) and Yokohama National University COE program have objectives for a top level of research and education to create a vision and its supporting technologies for future social infrastructure based on telecommunication technology. In particular, this program focuses on technologies and theories in a joint field of optical and radio communications. This invited talk will introduce Japanese activities on R&D and regulation in latest core communication technology; Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) wireless communications based on impulse radio. I hope that this invited talk will stimulate much active discussion on UWB and its related issues to carry out the core technologies with System on a Chip (SoC). In this paper, we propose a Soft-Spectrum (SS) UWB transferring scheme with free-verse and geometric pulse waveform adaptation and shaping [5] [6], which is suitable for co-existence, interference avoidance, matching with regulatory spectral mask including FCC Spectrum Mask, and high data rate. In Section 2, this Soft-Spectrum Adaptation proposal will he described in detail. Different kinds of multi-hands pulse waveforms with various shapes, envelopes, as well as spectral features are investigated. BER (hit-error-rate) performance simulations corresponding to these pulse waveforms are also carried out in Section 3, under AWGN environment. Conclusions are given in the last Section.