Adaptability of information classification systems for civil works
An information classification system in construction management is related to specifications, bills of quantities, network analysis, and cost estimating. A construction information classification system (CICS) provides a common method of improving coordination of information for design, construction, and management. The Masterformat and CI/SfB systems are widely used for an information system, but the existing systems can be applied to construction in civil engineering only with great difficulty. The present study analyzes adaptability as an information classification system for civil works through a comparative study of the Masterformat, SfB, CI/SfB, and CESMM systems and the ISO system, which is in development. This study suggests that a basic skeleton of CICS for civil works keeps a faceted system, and the classified facets consist of facility, space, element, construction operation, and resource.
[1] Alan. Ray-Jones. CI/SfB construction indexing manual , 1968 .
[2] Martin Barnes. Section 3. Application of the Work Classification , 1992 .