Clinical profile of cutaneous tuberculosis in pediatric age.

Childhood cutaneous tuberculosis is a common, yet understudied problem. Besides lupus vulgaris, scrofuloderma and tuberculosis verrucosa cutis which are frequently seen in adults, miliary tuberculosis, gumma and tubercular chancre are more often observed in children. Due to immaturity of immune system in children, chances of systemic tuberculosis are also more and warrant a thorough look for underlying systemic focus. Treatment of cutaneous tuberculosis includes short course antitubercular regimen consisting of rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol and pyrazinamide. Residual complications and ugly deformities affecting quality of life of a child can easily be prevented by ensuring early diagnosis. In late presentations, which are often the case, deformities should also be appropriately dealt with after the treatment for tuberculosis is completed.