Main board interface circuit of police identity recognizer

The present invention relates to a police identification main board interface circuit, the circuit comprising ARM11 core board circuit, a memory circuit, a battery power supply circuit, LCD liquid crystal display circuit, a camera circuit, TF card memory circuit, a horn circuit, a receiver circuit, Mike circuit, USB interface circuit, the keyboard interface circuit board, the RFID circuit card reader, a Bluetooth circuit, the SAM decryption module, GPS circuit, ARM11 core board circuits and memory circuits, LCD liquid crystal display circuit, a camera circuit, TF card memory circuit, USB an interface circuit, the keyboard interface circuit board, the RFID reader circuit, the circuit Bluetooth, GPS bidirectional communication circuit connection, the core board ARM11 circuits are also connected horn circuit, receiver circuit, a one-way communication with the MIC circuit, said battery feed circuit and ARM11 core board circuit connections, the decryption module connected to the SAM RFID reader circuit and the bi-directional communication, the present invention has a card identification and comparison of two generations, voice and data communications, photo camera, GPS, Bluetooth and other functions.