Good Intentions - Unpredictable Consequences
A commendable degree of success has been achieved in relocating people with learning disabilities from residential institutions into ordinary community settings. Nevertheless, a challenging task remains if people with all levels of learning disabilities are to be enabled to become meaningfully involved in ordinary community activities. The author argues that a structured day service has a vital role to play in this process, but that, unless the underlying problems that have continued to frustrate the development of a coherent national day care strategy are objectively reappraised and addressed, the true potential of the 'care in the community' policy will not only never be realised, but could actually become imperilled. This paper offers evidence to support the view that current policy trends are based on normalisation theories that, although sound and commendable in principle, have been misunderstood and misused. Consequently, the premises upon which these policy trends are based are fundamentally flawed.