Feasibility of nutrient recovery from industrial sludge by vermicomposting technology.

Transformation of industrial sludges into vermicompost is of double interest: on the one hand, a waste is converted into value added product, and, on the other, it controls a pollutant that is a consequence of increasing industrialization. This paper reports the feasibility of utilization of vermicomposting technology for nutrient recovery from industrial sludge in laboratory scale experiment employing Eisenia fetida earthworm. A total of nine vermireactors, having different percentage of wastewater treatment plant sludge of a food industry and cow dung, were established and monitored for fertilizer quality of vermicompost and growth and fecundity of the earthworms for 3 months. The earthworms were unable to survive in 100% FIS. There was a decrease in pH, organic carbon content, organic matter, C:N ratio, and increase in ash content, EC, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus content in all the vermireactors. Total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN) content increased in the range of 12.2-28.7 g kg(-1) in different vermireactors after vermicomposting. C:N ratio was 1.59-5.24 folds lesser in final vermicomposts than initial raw substrate. The heavy metals' content in final vermicomposts was higher than initial feed mixtures. Maximum worm biomass was observed in control, i.e., 100% CD (836 mg earthworm(-1)) and the lowest in 30% CD+70% FIS feed mixture (280 mg earthworm(-1)). Cocoon production was started during 6-7th week in all feed mixture except in feed mixture no. 9. After 12 weeks maximum cocoons (57) were counted in 100% CD and minimum (2) in 30% CD+70% FIS feed. The results indicated that food industry sludge could be converted into good quality manure by vermicomposting if mixed up to 30% with cow dung.

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