Morphological experiences with a new bovine carotis xenograft (Solcograft-P) in experimental vascular surgery.

The implantation process of the Solcograft-P vascular prosthesis in infrarenal aortic and vena cava inferior positions was studied in dogs in the first 100 postoperative days to investigate its applicability in vascular surgery. The intimal lining was consistently smooth and homogeneous, the problems of aneurysma formation was not serious. Infection and early thrombosis were not more frequent than with other grafts. The impregnated Solcograft-P seemed to be superior to its previous version, the Solcograft. The morphological properties of Solcograft-P seem to make it suitable for venous replacement. The experiments suggested that in selected cases of reconstructive vascular surgery and particularly for patch plastics, Solcograft-P may prove useful.