Regional Coordination of Power System Operations

This paper describes how the voluntary initiatives amongst European TSO's have evolved into Regional Security Coordination (RSC), partly based on binding TSO agreements and partly through legal requirements in the European Network Guidelines. The regional coordination creates the first significant step in the digitalization of the Pan-European electricity transmission system through common access to standardized data for the entire European Power System and the standardized use of data for operational security calculation and operational planning. Such access to extensive, reliable, common and shared power system data for several timeframes is a key condition for the regional coordination. The paper describes how this condition is fulfilled through the development of standardized datasets from all TSO's, Individual Grid Models (IGM), based on a common standard, Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES), how the IGM's are merged to Common Grid Models (CGM) for the entire Power System and further how the RSC's through standardized regional business processes supports the TSO's to operate the European transmission grid safely and to its limits. Finally, the paper discusses the further outlook and the expectations for enhancement of RSC activities towards 2025 including the possibilities for digital innovation based on the availability of big data from the power system.