Coping with double-patterning/exposure lithography by EB mask writer EBM-6000

Double exposure / Double pattering methodologies are being adopted to extend 193nm optical lithography until the next generation lithography, most likely the EUV, is solidified. The Double exposure / Double patterning methodologies require tighter image-placement accuracy and Critical Dimension (CD) controls on a mask than the conventional single exposure technique. NuFlare Technology's mask writer, EBM-6000 (1), is capable of achieving the required CD control and high patterning resolution as fine as 35 nm, that are required for the hp 45nm lithography with Double exposure / Double patterning methodologies, when newly developed resist (i.e. "low-sensitivity" resist) is used, as shown at several occasions to date. Further, image-placement control with EBM-6000 has been improved based on extensive error budget analysis to comply with the tight image-placement specifications required by the Double exposure / Double Patterning lithography. This paper will show the results of the analysis and improvement of the image-placement accuracy of EBM-6000 series mask writers.