Green development: Waste water or green water?

Pollution of surface and groundwater is mostly land based and caused by agricultural overspill and waste materials carried by wind. Agricultural activities are affected very adversely if the resources are not managed properly. Moreover, reduction in biodiversity of flora and fauna, production capabilities of polluted waterways and aquatic ecosystems are the problems created by poor resource management. In modern science there is tremendous development in the concern to study the effective use of different categories of lands and availability of improved land practices for a successful future. The aim of this work is to give a brief overview about of the effect of sewage sludge on some physiological parameters of plant seedlings. Sewage sludge is an unwanted and inevitable by-product of wastewater treatment management in several industrial processes. Sedimentation – both before and after wastewater biotreatment – produces sewage sludge. An increasing volume of wastewater is produced by the development of the industry and agriculture, and as a concomitant of the improvement of human life. The examined sewage sludge originated from Alkaloida Chemicals Co. Ltd (Eastern Hungary). The sewage sludge contains plenty of essential elements (e.g. Ca, K, and P). But, its aluminum and chrome contents also are considerable. The dry matter accumulation and relative chlorophyll content were measured. The flexibility of plant responses depends on composition, origin of examined wastes.