Space Exploration 3D Game for classical learning in Junior High School nine grade class
Classical learning is still experiencing serious problem, especially in learning outcomes and students' low motivation to learn particular subjects of Natural Science (IPA). Learning in the classroom is still implementing a teacher-centered learning paradigm puts the teacher as a source of knowledge. At the present stage of development a child is happy and looking for new challenge. This is demonstrated by the tendency of school-age children like to play the game because in generally game presents new word and challenges. Space Exploration 3D Game is developed for classical learning which can visualize the material or the concept of science (physics) the standard of competence to understand the solar system and the processes that occur in it. Design Space Exploration 3D Game simulate outer space objects in the solar system. Space Exploration 3D Game for classical learning uses Discussion and Demonstration Methods. The result of implementation shows that the Space Exploration 3D Game for classical learning can improve learning outcomes and students' motivation and effective in creating student-centered learning.
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