A Graphical Method for Conceptual Modelling of Business and Software Scenarios

Abstract. Modelling method, which is defined by simple interaction loops between organizational and technical components can be viewed as fundamental elements for decomposition of complex business scenarios. This is important for separation of crosscutting concerns. The paper proposes a new graphical method that allows limited human mind to focus and to visualize one particular concern at a time. It also suggests design principles for the semantic integration of business and software scenarios. Separation of crosscutting concerns is performed on a basis of the standard transaction pattern. The presented modelling method can be used for introducing the evolutionary changes of requirements. This is important for managing complexity of information systems conceptualizations, especially when new changes are introduced. It targets both business process modelling experts and information system designers. The ultimate goal of the new method is to construct and visualize business scenarios with a more comprehensible structure.Keywords. Service interactions, value flows, separation of concerns, cancellation patterns.