Luschka's Joint.
This book contains a study of the joints of Luschka in the cervical spine and includes historical data and new studies on the spines of a 7-month human fetus, a 4-year-old-boy, a 14-year-old girl, and a degenerate adult. Comparative anatomy of the uncinate process is given at some considerable length. A bibliography is included but unfortunately there is no index. Although the author succeeds in definitively proving that joints of Luschka do exist, the book wholly emphasizes anatomical study and virtually ignores clinical applications. The clinician longs for some information in respect to clinical utilization of this type of anatomical study, to his disappointment. William Makepeace Thackeray said "Easy writing makes damned hard reading." Dr. Hall could have, to the reader's advantage, spent much more time on tidying up sentence structure and making decisions regarding what he really means in the use of each sentence. There were significant numbers of