단열패드 삽입을 통한 주상복합건물 커튼월 패스닝 유닛의 에너지성능 현상

Recently, curtain wall system is commonly used in high-rise residential complexes. For the energy efficient curtain wall system, it is necessary to enhance the insulation performance of the fastening unit because hot water pipes for radiant heating are typically installed on the slab in residential buildings. However, this fastening unit composed of metals with high thermal conductivity acts as a thermal bridge that increases heat loss. In this study, we aim to develop an efficient insulation method that would improve the energy conservation performance of the fastening unit. 3 alternative fasteners with different directional insulation pad were selected. Heat loss and economical efficiency of alternatives were analyzed through the three-dimensional annual transient heat transfer simulation and payback period method, respectively. As a result, alternatives with vertical urethane pad shows the best economical efficiency.