Lichens and bryophytes ofthe Tasmanian world heritage areaI. Mount Sprent

Over 280 lichens and bryophytes were recorded during a botanical survey of Mount Sprent. The number of species is approximately twice that of the vascular species (136 species) and demonstrates the importance of lichens and bryophyles in assessing the botmical significance of the area. Six species, Calil/aria contristans, Ochrolechia androgyna, Polychidiurn contorturn, Thelotrerna suecicum, Acromastigum verticale and Tylimanthus diversifolius are reported from Tasmania for the first time. Many of the species recorded are widespread in the high rainfall parts of Tasmania, but a significant number are confined mainly to the west. Lichen diversity is richest in subalpine and alpine heathland and on alpine rock outcrops, whilst bryophytes are most diverse in sheltered habitats such as young forest, scrub and amongst alpine rocks.