The development of Malaysian traffic injury surveillance system

The increased number of traffic accident fatalities in Malaysia need attention. In order to examine possible causes and determinants of traffic trauma effectively, reliable information on victims, circumstances, resultants injuries and death must be available. By linking traffic accident data collected by Malaysia Royal Police (PDRM) and injuries data from hospitals, certain analysis could be carry out for better planning, developing, and implementing of postinjury control preventions and strategies. The Malaysia Traffic Injury Surveillance System is developed with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 with five major modules in the system, which include patient information, injury information, accident data, paramedic skills and treatments and statistical analysis module. The system ensures future retrieving, editing, recording, deleting, and storing procedure for traffic accident injuries data. Beside these, it is tends to be an intellectual system which can perform cross-tabulations for analysis of factors affecting injuries, injuries type, paramedic treatment and etc.