Categorical Perception: The Groundwork of Cognition

List of contributors Preface Introduction: psychophysical and cognitive aspects of categorical perception: a critical overview S. Harnad Part I. Psychophysical Foundations of Categorical Perception: 1. Categoric perception: some psychophysical models R. E. Pastore 2. Beyond the categorical/continuous distinction: a psychophysical approach to processing modes N. A. MacMillan Part II. Categorical Perception of Speech: 3. Phonetic category boundaries are flexible B. H. Repp and A. M. Liberman 4. Auditory, articulatory, and learning explanations of categorical perception in speech S. Rosen and P. Howell 5. On infant speech perception and the acquisition of language P. D. Eimas, J. L. Miller and P. W. Jusczyk Part III. Models for Speech Categorical Perception: 6. Neural models of speech perception: a case history R. E. Remez 7. On the categorization of speech sounds R. L. Diehl and K. R. Kluender 8. Categorical partition: a fuzzy-logical model of categorization behaviour D. W. Massaro Part IV. Categorical Perception in Other Modalities and Other Species: 9. Perceptual categories in vision and audition M. H. Bornstein 10. Categorical perception of sound signals: facts and hypotheses from animal studies G. Ehret 11. A naturalistic view of categorical perception C. T. Snowden 12. The special-mechanisms debate in speech research: categorization tests on animals and infants P. K. Kuhl 13. Brain mechanisms in categorical perception M. Wilson Part V. Psychophysiological Indices of Categorical Perception: 14. Electrophysiological indices of categorical perception for speech D. L. Molfese 15. Evoked potentials and color-defined categories D. Regan Part VI. Higher-order Categories: 16. Categorization processes and categorical perception D. L. Medin and L. W. Barsalou 17. Developmental changes in category structure F. C. Keil and M. H. Kelly 18. Spatial categories: the perception and conceptualization of spatial relations E. Bialystok and D. R. Olson Part VII. Cognitive Foundations: 19. Category induction and representation S. Harnad Author index Subject index.