Wortstellungsrestriktionen fur Zeichenketten generierende Hypergraphgrammatiken

Literatur: Context-free Chomsky Grammars can be used as a medium to describe syntactic structures of sentences of natural language. But not all syntactic peculiarities of certain languages can be modeled. For example non-continuous constituents or free word-order, which appears in German or many other languages. The phenomenon of non-continuous constituents has been solved in [1], and now, constitutive on the concept of modelling via string-generating hypergraph grammars, the problem of free word-order will be considered. Already existing, is a modified Earley algorithm, which is able to handle string-generating hypergraphs. Further, an advanced modified version will be introduced, which has the ability to handle sentences of natural languages with free word-order string-generating hypergraphs, by extending the parsing algorithm and the grammatical notation.