Selective upgrading of transmission lines using DTCR

Upgrading or constructing new power transmission lines is a very costly and time consuming endeavour. To overcome line capacity problems, some utilities have began to employ an alternative approach of incorporating Dynamic Thermal Circuit Rating (DTCR) technologies into their existing transmission lines to harness underutilized line capacity. However, capacity gains that can be obtained from DTCR technologies may be hampered by certain segments of given transmission line should they have an overall lower ampacity rating compared to the remaining parts of the line. If such bottlenecks exist, the overall ampacity rating of the entire line is decreased. To maximize gains from DTCR technology, this paper presents an intelligent approach of analyzing an existing transmission line and searching out bottlenecks by using high-resolution meteorological data. The system uses an optimization technique to identify segments that will provide the greatest return on investment. Carrying out the suggested upgrades will, in turn, increase the reliability and provide additional transmission capacity gains. Thus, the proposed system will allow utility companies to increase the gains from DTCR technology, while maximizing the return on investment in construction and upgrading projects.