Cellular anatomy of the mouse primary motor cortex

An essential step toward understanding brain function is to establish a cellular-resolution structural framework upon which multi-scale and multi-modal information spanning molecules, cells, circuits and systems can be integrated and interpreted. Here, through a collaborative effort from the Brain Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN), we derive a comprehensive cell type-based description of one brain structure - the primary motor cortex upper limb area (MOp-ul) of the mouse. Applying state-of-the-art labeling, imaging, computational, and neuroinformatics tools, we delineated the MOp-ul within the Mouse Brain 3D Common Coordinate Framework (CCF). We defined over two dozen MOp-ul projection neuron (PN) types by their anterograde targets; the spatial distribution of their somata defines 11 cortical sublayers, a significant refinement of the classic notion of cortical laminar organization. We further combine multiple complementary tracing methods (classic tract tracing, cell type-based anterograde, retrograde, and transsynaptic viral tracing, high-throughput BARseq, and complete single cell reconstruction) to systematically chart cell type-based MOp input-output streams. As PNs link distant brain regions at synapses as well as host cellular gene expression, our construction of a PN type resolution MOp-ul wiring diagram will facilitate an integrated analysis of motor control circuitry across the molecular, cellular, and systems levels. This work further provides a roadmap towards a cellular resolution description of mammalian brain architecture.

Liya Ding | Xu Li | Yun Wang | James C. Gee | Yimin Wang | Xiangning Li | Xiaoyin Chen | Sarojini M. Attili | Giorgio A. Ascoli | Hongkui Zeng | Partha P. Mitra | Jason Huang | Joel D. Hahn | Nicholas N. Foster | Brian Zingg | Michael S. Bienkowski | Houri Hintiryan | Yaoyao Li | Michael Hawrylycz | Hanchuan Peng | Jesse Gillis | Anthony M. Zador | Pavel Osten | Diek W. Wheeler | Yu-Chi Sun | Stephan Fischer | Katherine S. Matho | Peter A. Groblewski | Lin Gou | Quanxin Wang | Hui Gong | Qingming Luo | Arun Narasimhan | Hideki Kondo | Bingxing Huo | Hong-Wei Dong | Xiaoli Qi | Samik Bannerjee | Jin Yuan | Lydia Ng | Julie A. Harris | Karla E. Hirokawa | Xiuli Kuang | Maitham Naeemi | Uree Chon | Rodrigo Muñoz-Castañeda | Anan Li | Laura Korobkova | Chris Sin Park | Young-Gyun Park | Kathleen Kelly | Xu An | Ian Bowman | Anastasiia Bludova | Ali Cetin | Rhonda Drewes | Florence D’Orazi | Corey Elowsky | William Galbavy | Lei Gao | Joshua T. Hatfield | Philip Lesnar | Mengkuan Lin | Lijuan Liu | Darrick Lo | Judith Mizrachi | Stephanie Mok | Philip R. Nicovich | Ramesh Palaniswamy | Jason Palmer | Elise Shen | Huizhong Tao | Wayne Wakemen | Peng Xie | Shenqin Yao | Muye Zhu | Li I. Zhang | Byung Kook Lim | Yongsoo Kim | Kwanghun Chuang | X William Yang | Z Josh Huang | D. W. Wheeler | Quanxin Wang | Hanchuan Peng | M. Hawrylycz | Hongkui Zeng | P. Groblewski | Ali H. Cetin | Z. J. Huang | Hong-wei Dong | Lydia Ng | P. Mitra | Stephan Fischer | B. Lim | A. Zador | J. Gee | H. Tao | G. Ascoli | Arun Narasimhan | P. Osten | J. Mizrachi | Yongsoo Kim | H. Kondo | Q. Luo | H. Gong | Liya Ding | J. Gillis | Phil Lesnar | Jason Palmer | Xiangning Li | Jing Yuan | Ian Bowman | M. Bienkowski | Lin Gou | P. Nicovich | U. Chon | Shenqin Yao | Florence D. D'Orazi | Stephanie Mok | Brian Zingg | Houri Hintiryan | Muye Zhu | X. W. Yang | Bingxing Huo | M. Lin | E. Shen | R. Palaniswamy | Young-Gyun Park | J. D. Hahn | Darrick Lo | Yu-Chi Sun | K. Matho | M. Naeemi | Xiaoli Qi | R. Muñoz-Castañeda | Laura Korobkova | Le Gao | Xu An | William Galbavy | Kathleen Kelly | Xiuli Kuang | Xu Li | Yaoyao Li | Lijuan Liu | Yimin Wang | Yun Wang | Peng Xie | A. Li | R. Drewes | C. Park | Jason Huang | Corey Elowsky | Anastasiia Bludova | Xiaoyin Chen | Samik Bannerjee | Wayne Wakemen | Kwanghun Chuang | Qingming Luo | L. Korobkova | D. Wheeler | Rodrigo Muñoz-Castañeda

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