An Appraisal of OSCADY PRO

OSCADY PRO, the new signal-timing program devel oped by Transport and R oad Research Laboratory (TRL), Wokingham, UK in 2006 for isolated, traffic signal controlled j unctions has been evaluated using f our s ignalised isolated junctions in So uthampton, UK as case studies. Comparison of the signal timings obtained using the program with the existing site timings calculated with LINSIG and those obtained using the OSCADY CLASSIC program suggests superiority in terms of the objective-led optimisation method and a utomatic stage and s tage sequence generation. However, some limitations such as in the manual input of phase delays and analysis of blocked right turners exist and need to be addressed in th e next ve rsion of t he program. F urthermore, ad ditional f eatures su ch, as capability f or lin ks and small network are needed for the program to have a substantial market share of the software tool for calculating signal timings at isolated junctions in the UK.