How to Build a Business Rules Engine: Extending Application Functionality through Metadata Engineering (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)

What Are Business Rules and Business Rules Engines. Why Build a Business Rules Engine. Data Modeling and Database Design. Who Defines Business Rules and When Do They Do It. The Atomicity of Business Rules. The "Black Box" Problem. The Components of a Business Rules Engine. Populating Table Data in the Repository. Populating Column Data in the Repository. Populating Relationship and Subtype Data in the Repository. Populating Reference Data in the Repository. Defining Business Processes and Related Information. Extending the Database. Managing the Database. Implementing a Simple Business Rule. More Edit Validation Rules, Rule Components, and Rule Versions. Rule Types for Checking Referential Integrity. Working with Batch Processes: Setting Indicators and Reference Data Code Values. Implementing Rule Types Using Relationships and Subtipes. Rules with Subtypes and Business Metadata. Debugging in Business Rules Engines. Managing the Business Rules Engine. Appendix A: Using the Sample Application.