Clinical assessment of postural stability.

It is important to evaluate both vestibulo-oculomotor and vestibulospinal pathways in patients with balance disorders. While moving-platform posturography can assess vestibulospinal function, the cost and time required to perform this test may limit its clinical use. A clinical office vestibulospinal evaluation that could be done quickly and inexpensively would be of benefit. In this study we used foam posturography to prospectively evaluate 50 patients with vestibular complaints to determine its predictive value in comparison with moving-platform posturography results. Our results demonstrate a significant correlation (p < 0.005) with a sensitivity and specificity of 95 percent and 90 percent, respectively, between the clinical office assessment using foam posturography and the results of moving-platform posturography. The ability of patients to utilize vestibular cues to maintain posture may be accurately assessed in a clinical office examination and should be useful to otolaryngologists to evaluate the vestibulospinal system.