Computational biology of the heart

Partial table of contents: Modelling Cardiac Excitation and Excitability (M. Boyett, et al.). Modelling Propagation in Excitable Media (A. Holden & A. Panfilov). Rotors, Fibrillation and Dimensionality (A. Winfree). A Mathematical Model of Cardiac Anatomy (P. Hunter, et al.). Finite Element Methods for Modelling Impulse Propagation in the Heart (J. Rogers, et al.). The Effects of Geometry and Fibre Orientation on Propagation and Extracellular Potentials in Myocardium (J. Keener & A. Panfilov). Forward and Inverse Problems in Electrocardiography (A. van Oosterom). Computational Electromechanics of the Heart (P. Hunter, et al.). Index.