Evaluation of historical atmospheric pollution in an industrial area by dendrochemical approaches.

We conducted a dendrochemical study in order to evaluate the exposure of territories and populations to different types of pollutants and to characterise the history of pollution in one of the most intensely industrialised areas of Europe: the industrial port zone of Fos, also heavily urbanised. To perform the study, two tree species have been selected, Pinus halepensis and Populus nigra, on a rural plot located roughly 20 km away from the industrial harbour, an urban plot located in the city of Fos-sur-Mer and an industrial plot. Our study indicated that poplar was a more relevant model for the dendrochemical studies, exhibiting a higher bioaccumulation capacity than pine except for Hg, Sb and Mn. Moreover, thanks to this work, we observed significant exposure of the trees in the urban and industrial areas to As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mo, Sb, Zn, Al, Ca, and Mg, highlighting the exposure of the territory and populations living in the vicinity of the industrial harbour. The temporal variability of the concentrations measured in the tree rings corresponds to the increasing industrialisation of the territory as well as to the evolution of the industrial processes. Thus, this project highlighted the exposure of the Gulf of Fos to atmospheric emissions (industrial, road and urban) of the industrial harbour as well as the changes over time. It also pointed out the relevance of using dendrochemistry to measure atmospheric exposure of metals and metalloids and its temporal variability.

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