New educational demands for the future: Automotive Technology - Master of Science

This paper summarizes the educational programs of a number of prominent European universities and universities in the USA, and proposes a new TU/e program. In Europe there are only three universities/institutes, which offer a true Master's automotive educational program which is similar with respect to the total duration and work load of the program compared to the TU/e program. However, the main focus of the TU/e differs substantial. The MSc Automotive Technology is: (i) Strong applied academic education embedded within the framework of research innovation program High Tech Automotive Systems (HTAS), (ii) Broad interdepartmental or multidisciplinary educational program, and (iii) The system boundaries are at the integral vehicle system level including the interaction of the vehicle system with its surroundings. The character of the systems approach offered by the program is unique, in Europe there are no programs comparable to the M.Sc. Automotive Technology in Eindhoven.