We consider the p-piercing problem for axis-parallel rectangles. We are given a collection of axis-parallel rectangles in the plane and wish to determine whether there exists a set of p points whose union intersects all the given rectangles. We present efficient algorithms for finding a piercing set (i.e, a set of p points as above) for values of p=1,2,3,4,5. The result for 4 and 5-piercing improves an existing result of O(n log3 n) and O(n log4 n) to O(n log n) time. The result for 5-piercing can be applied find an O(n log2 n) time algorithm for planar rectilinear 5-center problem, in which we are given a set S of n points in the pane, and wish to find 5 axis-parallel congruent squares of smallest possible size whose union covers S. We improve the existing algorithm for general (but fixed) p to O(np-4log n) running time, and we also extend our algorithms to higher dimensional space. We also consider the problem of piercing a set of rectangular rings.
Hanan Samet,et al.
The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures
Kurt Mehlhorn,et al.
Data Structures and Algorithms 3: Multi-dimensional Searching and Computational Geometry
EATCS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science.
Frank Nielsen,et al.
On piercing sets of objects
SCG '96.
Mark H. Overmars,et al.
New Upper Bounds in Klee's Measure Problem
SIAM J. Comput..
Micha Sharir,et al.
Rectilinear and polygonal p-piercing and p-center problems
SCG '96.
Michael Segal,et al.
Enclosing k Points in the Smallest Axis Parallel Rectangle
Inf. Process. Lett..