Cyber Physical Systems Architecture for Collaborative Services
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) represents an autonomous system which integrates sensing devices, actuators, hardware equipments and software applications, having also communication functionality. A CPS can realize data transmission and cooperation with remote systems and IoT networks. Within smart factories, having the ability of involving business scenarios, CPS autonomously exchange data, control and monitor processes, perform actions in the Industry 4.0 context. Correlated with CPS interoperability capabilities, a new paradigm in manufacturing appeared, based on collaborative, service-oriented, customer-centric industries. Various new business models involve a large, exponentially growing number, of interconnected devices. In this paper is presented a CPS services framework, which integrates an e-business service group within a collaborative infrastructure, thus offering to the users the possibility to valorify on the market, through services integration and collaboration, the remarkable technical advantages of CPS. As e-business example, an e-payment service, developed in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), is considered. The data transactions are realized on mobile and wireless communication channels, through Soap and Rest Web services, which are accessed by mobile client software application, installed on Android OS Smartphones.