Effect of Feeding Different Proportions of Beet Pulp, Corn Silage, or Alfalfa Hay on Digestibility of Dehydrated Alfalfa Pellets

Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility that coarser roughages (beet pulp, corn silage, and baled alfalfa hay), fed in different proportions with finely ground, pelleted dehydrated alfalfa, might improve the cellulose digestibility of the pelleted alfalfa. It was reasoned that the alfalfa particles would become enmeshed among the coarser roughage particles and be retained for a longer time in the rumen. Because of the small changes in per cent cellulose and dry matter digestion that resulted from the effects of feeding beet pulp, corn silage, or baled alfalfa hay with pelleted dehydrated alfalfa meal, it was concluded that feeding coarse roughage along with finely ground alfalfa is not a practical method for overcoming the effects of fine grinding on cellulose digestibility.