Randomized directed testing (REDIRECT) for Simulink/Stateflow models

The Simulink/Stateflow (SL/SF) environment from Math-works is becoming the de facto standard in industry for model based development of embedded control systems. Many commercial tools are available in the market for test case generation from SL/SF designs; however, we have observed that these tools do not achieve satisfactory coverage in cases when designs involve nonlinear blocks and Stateflow blocks occur deep inside the Simulink blocks. The recent past has seen the emergence of several novel techniques for testing large C, C++ and Java programs; prominent among them are directed automated random testing (DART), hybrid concolic testing and feedback-directed random testing. We believe that some of these techniques could be lifted to testing of SL/SF based designs; REDIRECT (RandomizEd DIRECted Testing), the proposed testing method of this paper, is an attempt towards this direction. Specifically, REDIRECT uses a careful combination of the above techniques, and in addition, the method uses a set of pattern-guided heuristics for tackling nonlinear blocks. A prototype tool has been developed and the tool has been applied to many industrial strength case studies. Our experiments indicate that a careful choice of heuristics and certain combinations of random and directed testing achieve better coverages as compared to the existing commercial tools. 1